by Tori Munyard | Aug 15, 2023
Meta Description On a website page, each has a field in which you can write a description of the content on the page. A meta description is the information about your page that appears in the search engine results below the title / URL of your page. The description... by Tori Munyard | Aug 15, 2023
Mobile Responsive or Device Responsive When a website is mobile responsive, it means the layout and content adapts based on the size of the screen they are presented on. A mobile phone would make content long and skinny, compared to a tablet or desktop... by Tori Munyard | Aug 15, 2023
Navigation Website navigation allows viewers to flow from one page to another without frustration. It’s an organised list of what’s in your... by Tori Munyard | Aug 15, 2023
Open Source Computer software that is released and the copyright holder grants users the rights to use, study, change and distribute the software. Open-source software is an example of open collaboration, where any capable user can participate in its online... by Tori Munyard | Aug 15, 2023
Organic Organic search results are the listings on a search engine results page (SERP) that appear because of factors such as relevance to the search term and valid search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts rather than because of search engine marketing (SEM) or...