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Grow your business in lockdown: Part three of four.

Grow your business in lockdown: Part three of four.

Confident phone selling Our marketing team have collaborated with Ambrose from the Sales Mastery Company to create webinars to help small to medium businesses survive lockdown. View the third webinar here. What are the challenges? Sometimes face to faceSometimes via...
Grow your business in lockdown: Part three of four.

Grow your business in lockdown: Part two of four.

Online marketing strategy Our marketing team have collaborated with Ambrose from the Sales Mastery Company to create webinars to help small to medium businesses survive lockdown. View the second webinar here. What are the challenges? We can’t always reach people...
Grow your business in lockdown: Part three of four.

Grow your business in lockdown: Part one of four.

New marketing strategy Our marketing team have collaborated with Ambrose from the Sales Mastery Company to create webinars to help small to medium businesses survive lockdown. View the webinar here. What are the challenges? Face to face is best, but not always...
Perspective is power

Perspective is power

One person will see the Willow tree as protection from the sun, another, will see the shade it provides as cold and unwelcoming. Another will see the Willow tree as an obstacle in their way, yet one will stop to appreciate its beauty, and yet another wouldn’t even...
Help your business in lockdown

Help your business in lockdown

At the time of writing this article, we’re about to go back into Level 3 lockdown in Auckland. As much as I hope it’s the last time, there’s every chance that this will become a recurring situation. So when it’s all shut, and the only businesses doing well are the...
Do what you can, then ask for help

Do what you can, then ask for help

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it. The New Zealand 4-level Covid-19 alert system specifies public health and social measure to be taken against Covid-19. But there’s another system in play for New...