If you spend time writing an article, it makes sense to get as much as you can from it. Ideally, it would connect to your desired audience and contain just the right keywords so that Google lists it on page one. That’s the ideal, but how do you make it happen? Let’s...
It’s a good question, how to write an article, and hopefully by now, with this series on content marketing (you’ve just started reading #5) you’ve boarded the content marketing train. Content marketing answers your audience’s questions and helps you build trust,...
You may have clicked on the heading just to answer the question “what the hell are pillars and clusters?” Well, I’ll tell you. It is a strategy used in content marketing so that you don’t have to pay for advertising. Digital content allows potential customers to...
Email marketing is all about sending the right message to the right people at the right time. So, the question begging to be answered is – how? Messaging and timing will be addressed in articles still to come, but this one is all about the reader –your audience –...
Content marketing will drive people to your website – and you don’t get a second chance at a first impression. So, what do you need to do to get your website ready? There are a few things you need to be clear of when crafting your website… Firstly, define the goals...
Creating valuable and trustworthy content in content marketing is the foundation for forming and nurturing connections with your audience. When people trust your content and brand, they trust you to do good business. In this article series, I will be sharing my...