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What does AI mean for marketers?

What does AI mean for marketers?

It’s been happening a lot lately, I get asked what it is that I do, and I passionately talk about content marketing. And then follows “So what do you think of Chat GPT?” And I must confess, when it started surfacing this year, I did have thoughts of ending up with an...
Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

I have a few areas in my life where I call myself a leader or an expert, and sometimes, it feels like a big label to live up to (imposter syndrome). Every now and then I’ll find myself on a roller coaster of self-doubt and then a great result, which in the end was...
How to market during a recession

How to market during a recession

We’re facing a downturn. Yup. Did that. Said it out loud. Quick, touch some wood so it doesn’t happen. Wait, maybe you touch it so it does happen. Doh. According to forecasts from Infometrics, the New Zealand economy “might just be able to avoid a recession”. Even if...
2022 Marketing To-do List

2022 Marketing To-do List

It’s on everyone’s lips, “Let’s hope that 2022 is better”. Lockdowns and levels (and now lights) brought obvious change to business, and the New Year often brings a fresh perspective on goals. Once you’ve had a restorative break, a reset of your motivations, it’s a...
Grow your business in lockdown – part 4

Grow your business in lockdown – part 4

Webcam selling confidence Our marketing team have collaborated with Ambrose from the Sales Mastery Company to create webinars to help small to medium businesses survive lockdown. View the fourth webinar here. What are the challenges? Customers want a professional...